Texts & Manuscripts
(ACIP) Graphics Library
Block prints, line drawings and designs.
Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajnāpāramitā Manuscript from the Yarlung Museum
by Eva Allinger. This Manuscript was on display from 19 August to 26 November 2006 This Manuscript was on display from 19 August to 26 November 2006 during "Tibet - Kl?ster ?ffnen ihre Schatzkammern", an exhibition at Villa H?gel, Essen. It is catalogued as No. 26, pp. 219-225.
An Exhibition of Tibetan Calligraphy
Forty-six works written in ink on paper by P. N. Dhumkhang
Asian Classics Input Project
Release IV, A Thousand Books of Wisdom.
Asian Classics Input Project: Block Prints
A database of wood block carvings and captions.
Background on Funerary Buddhism
The Blue Annals
A religious history of Tibet from the early kings of the 1st millennium up to the 15th century. Authoured by Go Lotsawa Zhonnu Pal (1392-1481).
Blue Annals by Go Lotsawa Zhonnu Pal
The Blue Annals (deb ther sngon po) is one of the most famous and important of Tibetan historical surveys. Its focus is on the history of the spread of Tibetan Buddhism, and it is remarkable for its ecumenical scope covering many different sectarian traditions. The author, Translator G?lo Zh?nnupel ('gos lo gzhon nu dpal, 1392-1481), composed this work in only a few years, completing it in 1476 at age 84.
Bonpo Textual Collection
Tibetan and Himalayan Textual Library, Rice University.
Book Covers
Book Covers are wooden boards, often decoratively carved and painted, serving as the top and bottom protective covers for folio manuscripts and block printed books from India to Siberia.
Buddhist Manuscripts and Blockprints
This exhibition, entitled "Buddhist Manuscripts of the Great Silk Road - The Lotus Sutra and Its World," presents many of the precious texts and original artifacts preserved in the St. Petersburg collection.
Buddhist Tales - for young and old - King Fruitful
A large collection of stories with a good introduction.
Conservation & Digitalisation of Rolled Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Nepal
Naoko Takagi, Yoriko Chudo, Reiko Maeda (Members of Paper Conservators Asia Unlimited).
Digital Himalaya
A pilot project to develop digital collection, storage, and distribution strategies for multimedia anthropological information from the Himalayan region.
The Iconography of Nepalese Buddhism
A publication authoured by Min Bahadur Shakya.
Iconography Source Texts
Lists and inventories of popular collections of deity practices and protector rituals.
The Illustrated Jataka and Other Stories of the Buddha
An excellent site using stone relief sculpture and murals from various regions of india to illustrate a selection of Jataka stories.
Institute of Tibetan Classics
Dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of classical Tibetan thought and culture.
International Dunhuang Project
IDP is a ground-breaking international collaboration to make more than 100,000 manuscripts, paintings and artefacts from Dunhuang and other Silk Road sites freely available on the Internet with top quality colour images.
Jataka Stories
52 Jataka stories for the young and old.
Jataka Story Archives, Buddhist Tales for Young and Old
36 stories selected by the New York Buddhist Vihara.
The Jataka Tales (D.L.Ashliman, editor)
A collection of 12 re-edited Jataka stories.
Kotan Publishing
Introducing new and exciting Asian literature and artwork to the rest of the world.
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
The LTWA is one of the most important institutions in the world dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Tibetan culture.
Lotus Research Centre, (LRC) Nepal
Lotus Research Centre (LRC) is a non-profit, non-government and government registered organization dedicated to the cause of preserving and promoting Buddhist culture through research and studies with a view to contributing to the quality of life of all Buddhists in Nepal.
Masters of Mahamudra (Publication)
Songs and Histories of the Eighty-four Buddhist Siddhas. The Legends of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas (Grub thob brgyad bcu tsa bzhi'i lo rgyus) by Mondup Sherab orally dictated by Abhayadatta Sri (12th c.) and Vajra Songs: the Heart Realizations of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas (Grub thob brgyad bcu rtogs pa'i snying po rdo rje'i lu) by Vira Prakash, translated by Keith Dowman with Bhaga Tulku Pema Tenzin.
More Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Baldwin Project: Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children. A selection of 21 stories.
Publications Catalogued on HAR
Publications with large collections of art and iconographic images are slowly being added to the HAR database. When copyright permission is not granted then a placecard holder image is used for each art work catalogued in the database.
The Samantabhadra Collection
The Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library (University of Virginia).
Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection
It features ceremonial writings of the Naxi people of Yunnan Province, China, the only living pictographic language in the world today.
Selections from the Naxi Manuscript Collection
It features ceremonial writings of the Naxi people of Yunnan Province, China. It is the only living pictographic language in the world today.
Separation Anxiety
The conservation of a 5th century Buddhist Gandharan Manuscript by Susan Sayre Batton.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead:
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Transitions to the Other World
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
Dedicated to creating and maintaining a digital archive of Tibetan literature.
Tibetan Language Software Links
A great list of links to all Tibetan language software resources.
Tibeto-Logic: "More-or-less monthly musings on mainly antiquarian Tibetological topics of interest to those who like me somehow find something interesting in them." Dan Martin.
A Tibeto-logic Blog uploaded files page: For the time being at least, I will only use it to upload files for readers of Tibeto-logic Blog to download. - Dan Martin
Woodslips: An On-line Digital Database of Tibetan Woodslips
The largest, and most well-known, single cache of Central Asian manuscripts is that discovered in a walled-up library in the monastic cave complex of Dunhuang.