Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Vairochana Iconography

Vairochana Main Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Mahayana Buddhism: Without ornaments, Nirmanakaya
--- Akanishta Pureland: Example: HAR #53
- Vajrayana Buddhism: Sambhogakaya (with ornaments)
--- Trailokyavijaya
--- Sarvavid Mahavairochana (figure & mandala)
--- Five Symbolic Buddhas
--- With consort: Example: #1022
- Vajra Mudra
- Vairochana-like Appearance
- Hand Gestures
- Confusions: Amitabha Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha
- Others...

- Vairochana Buddha
- The Five Buddhas

There are two main types of Vairochana:
- Buddha Appearance (nirmanakaya)
- Peaceful Appearance (sambhogakaya)

Unique Iconography:
- Buddha or Peaceful (Bodhisattva) Appearance
- White colour (gold, various)
- Various gestures
- Lion supported throne

Principal Tantra Sources (Charya & Yoga):
- Vairochana (Abhisambodhi Vairochana Tantra) [Charya Tantra]
- Vairochana (Tattvasamgraha Tantra) [Yoga Tantra]
- Vairochana (Vajrashekhara Tantra) [Yoga Tantra]
- Vairochana (Sarvadurgati Parishodhana Tantra) [Yoga Tantra]

In the Tattvasamgraha Tantra there are two forms described. The first has four faces and two hands and the second has four faces and eight hands. "... in the middle of a lion throne , above a lotus and moon is Bhagavan Vairochana, with a body white in colour, seated in vajra posture. The two hands are in the gesture of supreme enlightenment - holding a five pointed vajra of the tatagatas, with a backrest [torana] of the rays of the sun, wearing upper and lower heavenly garments, and a jewelled crown. Having four faces, the front looks to the East." (rgyud sde kun btus, volume 4, page 69).

Both the Vajradhatu form of Vairochana and the Vajrashekhara have four faces, white in colour, and the two hands perform the supreme enlightenment gesture at the heart. It is therefore quite easy to confuse these two forms of the deity. They need to be differentiated by context and mandala configuration.

Vairochana Buddha as a central image for paintings is primarily found in the Charya and Yoga Tantras of the Vairochana Abhisambodhi, Tattvasamgraha, and Sarvadurgati Parishodhana Tantras. In the Vairochana Abhisambodhi he appears with one face and two hands: "...Bhagavan Great Vairochana, seated above a white lotus and moon, hair piled on the top of the head, with a crown, upper and lower garments, golden in colour. The two hands perform the gesture of meditation, adorned with all the complete marks on the body." (rgyud sde kun btus, volume 3, page 6).

In the Charya and Yoga Tantras Vairochana can be depicted with the hands in the gestures of vajra, meditation, teaching, blessing, and sometimes in the gesture associated with Nageshvara Raja Buddha.

In the Anuttaryoga Tantras, Vairochana is typically presented in the group of the Five Symbolic Buddhas and found in the upper portion of painted compositions. He is white in colour, peaceful in appearance, with the two hands in the teaching gesture.

Database Search: All Images | Painting | Sculpture | Mandalas

Jeff Watt 10-2008 [updated 5-2017, 2-2020, 7-2021]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).