Jatakamala: Garland of Stories

A Starving
Tigress, A Tale of Compassion, Selflessness, and Generosity
King of
the Shibis, A Tale of Charity
A Small
Portion of Gruel, A Tale of Generosity
The Merchant,
A Tale of Diligent Resolve
The Invincible
One, A Tale of Unwavering Virtue
The Rabbit,
A Tale of Selfless Kindness
the Ascetic, The Virtues of Asceticism and Solitude
The Strength
of Love, A Tale of Loving Kindness
A Tale of the Marvelous Behavior of a Bodhisattva
The Sacrifice,
A Tale of Virtue and Generosity
A Tale of Bravery
The Brahman,
A Tale of Conscience
She Who
Drives Men Mad, A Tale of Self-Control
Depending on the Virtuous as Friends
The Fish,
The Rewards of Virtue
The Baby
Quail, The Power of Honesty
The Jar
of Liquor, The Virtuous Turning Others from Evil
The Wealthy
Prince, The Virtue of Detachment from Worldly Concerns
The Lotus
Roots, A Tale of Understanding
The Treasurer,
A Tale of a Pious Man
The Story
of Kuddhabodhi, A Tale of Subduing Anger
The Noble
Geese, A Tale of Friendship
The Wise
One, A Tale of Teaching
The Great
Monkey, The Consequences of Turning Against a Friend
The Fabulous
Sharabha Deer, Having Compassion for an Enemy
The Ruru
Deer, A Tale of Betrayal
The Monkey
King, A Tale of Leadership and Self Sacrifice
The Teacher
of Restraint, A Tale of Patience
A Visitor
from Brahma, A Tale of Celestial Guidance
The Elephant,
A Tale of Self Sacrifice
A Tale of Salvation
of the Iron House, A Tale of Renunciation
The Buffalo,
A Tale of Patience
The Woodpecker,
Kindness without Thought of Reward
Images courtesy of the Zanabazar
Museum of Fine Art, Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Click here
to view other artworks from the collection of Zanabazar Museum of Fine
Jataka in Tibetan courtesy of the Tibetan
Buddhist Resource Center.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4
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